Journal of Landscape Research and Applications (PAUD) is a refereed, scientific, international journal published twice a year under the ownership of the Turkish Association for Landscape Architecture Education and Science (PEMDER).
The aim of the Journal of Landscape Research and Applications (PAUD) is to share the results of research, theses and good planning and design practices in the field of landscapes in general and Landscape Architecture in particular with the scientific world and to contribute to the accumulation of knowledge and practices in this field. It is a refereed, scientific journal that publishes original research articles and qualified compilations. Priority is given to research articles in the journal.
First Page:
It should include the Turkish and English titles of the article, the author's name and full address. In addition, the responsible author and all contact information should be provided on the cover page.
Article layout:
Articles should be written on A4 paper with 11 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, aligned on both sides. 3 cm margins should be left on the right, left, bottom and top of the page. The pages of the article should be numbered. The article should not be longer than 20 (twenty) pages, including the "References" section. The author's name(s) should be written clearly, and no title should be stated.
Section headings within the article: All except the 'References' section should be numbered. The first letter of the title should be capitalized and the others should be lowercase. Main headings should be bold and subheadings should be italic.
Section headings should be written with capital letters, consecutively numbered, with the introduction and main sections in 11 point bold, and the intermediate and sub-intermediate sections in 10 point bold italic letters, respectively. There should be (0nk) spacing at the end of the sections and (0nk) spacing after the section titles.
Tables and figures should be included in the text; table and figure titles should be given in Times New Roman “10 pt” italic in the text where the tables and figures are located. Paragraph indentation should be set to 1.25 cm.
In addition, the corresponding author and all contact information should be given on the cover page
Article Title:
It should be short and comprehensive, should not exceed 15 (fifteen) words, and should be written in lower case and bold, with the first letter of the first word capitalized. The English title should be written in the same format and with a one-line space.
Abstract and Summary:
The Turkish “Summary” and English “Abstract” should not exceed 250 words each. The abstract should summarize the purpose, method and results of the study.
A maximum of 5 keywords that are directly related to the content of the study and will facilitate indexing should be written one line below the abstract. The first letter of the first keyword should be written in uppercase and the other letters in lowercase. Each keyword should be separated by a comma.
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4, Keyword 5.
In this section; the subject of the study should be summarized, the current knowledge on the subject should be evaluated with directly related previous studies and the issues that need information production should be emphasized and associated with the study. Finally, the purpose of the study should be stated clearly and explicitly.
Material and Method:
In this section; the living and non-living materials used in the study, the applied methods, the evaluated criteria, the applied experimental designs or sampling methods, statistical analyses and confidence limits should be explained clearly and explicitly, if necessary, supported by sources. For this purpose, a subtitle should be used when necessary.
In this section, the findings obtained in the study should be given clearly and explicitly with the help of figures and tables and based on statistical analyses. Repetition of all data in figures and tables should be avoided in the text and emphatic points should be explained. The same data should not be given with both graphs and tables, the most appropriate tool for the subject should be selected, and repetitive sentences and expressions should be avoided in the narrative.
Discussion and Conclusion:
The findings obtained in this section should be compared with previous studies in terms of harmony and contrast, the information gap it fills should be emphasized, and the repetition of the expressions in the previous sections should be avoided. Finally, the final conclusion and any recommendations, if any, should be given.
In the article layout, it is possible to organize the sections as “Findings and Discussion” and/or “Conclusion” and it depends on the author(s).
If necessary, the people who contributed to the study or article, the supporting institutions (with project numbers, if any) should be indicated in this section.
Figures and Tables:
In articles, photographs, graphics, figures, diagrams and similar should be called “Figure” and numerical values should be called “Table”.
All figures and tables should be numbered and placed within the text. A minimum of 8 points should be used in the inscriptions of figures and tables. Photographs in articles should be in 600 dpi resolution and JPG format. Authors should check the print quality of the figures they use in the article and use figures suitable for high quality printing. There should be absolutely no vertical lines in tables. Table and figure titles and explanations should be short, concise and descriptive. If abbreviations are used in figures and tables, the abbreviations should be explained immediately below. Figures consisting of parts should be grouped or converted to high quality TIF format.
SI (Systeme International d’Units) unit system should be used in articles. A dot should be used as a decimal separator (such as 1.25 instead of 1.25). “/” should not be used in units and a space should be left between the units (for example: 5.6 kg/ha, not 5.6 kg ha-1; 18.9 g/cm3, not 18.9 g cm-3; 1.8 μmol/s/m2, not 1.8 μmol s-1 m-2).
Abbreviations and Symbols:
Abbreviations should not be used in the article title and headings. Necessary abbreviations should be given in parentheses where the concepts are first mentioned. It is mandatory to comply with the universal rules of the relevant field in the use of abbreviations and symbols.
Latin Names:
The author's name should not be used in Latin names included in the article title. In the abstract and article text, the Latin name should be given with the author's name where it is first mentioned, and internationally accepted abbreviations should be used where it is used afterwards, Example: "Lupinus varius (L.)….", "L. varius is also grown as …..". All Latin names should be written in italics, but the universal spelling rules of the relevant field should be followed in writing and display.
Formulas in articles should be named "Equality", numbered when necessary, the number should be shown in parentheses next to the formula, justified to the right, and equations should fit in a single line (8 cm in a double column) as much as possible.
References to sources within the text should be made according to the “author surname and year” method and the following examples should be taken into account in writing:
In articles written in Turkish; works with a single author should be cited as “…………… is reported (Metcalf 2006).”, works with two authors should be cited as “………. has been determined (Acar and Sarı 2010).”, works with three or more authors should be cited as “………... has been revealed (Shepherdson et al. 2000).”
If more than one work will be cited at the same point, the sources should be written in chronological order and those with the same date should be written in alphabetical order as in the example “…….……… is reported (Shepherdson et al. 1998; Metcalf 2006).” If there is a reference to more than one publication of the same author with the same date, they should be defined with lower case letters after the year as in the example “… (Acar et al. 2013a, 2013b)”.
In the references section, all published or accepted for publication works cited in the article should be given alphabetically (according to the authors' surnames) and in the original language, and no abbreviations should be used in the source names. If there are no institution abbreviations instead of the words "Anonymous" or "Anonymous" in the source specification, the full name should be given. The responsibility for incorrect citations and references in the article belongs to the author(s).
Acar C (2015) Evaluation of coastal landfills as urban parks; Arsin coastal road landfill area environmental and landscape design project. PLANT Landscape and Ornamental Planting Journal 2015: 38-47.
Solecka I, Raszka B, Krajewski P (2018) Landscape analysis for sustainable land use policy: A case study in the municipality of Popielów, Poland. Land Use Policy 75: 116-126.
Lyle JT (1999) Design for Human Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington.
Johnson BR, Hill K (2002) Ecology and Design. Island Press, Washington.
Book chapter:
Uzun O (2014) Basic Methodological Approaches in Landscape Planning. (Ed: Çetinkaya G, Uzun O), Landscape Planning. Birsen Publishing House, Istanbul, pp. 51-83.
Ward Thompson C (2017) Landscape and Health. In: Vand Den Brink A, Bruns D, Tobi H, Bell S (Ed), Research in Landscape Architecture: Methods and Methodology. Routledge, New York, pp. 235-262.
Publications by institutions without authors:
TÜİK (2017) Population Statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara.
Information retrieved from the internet:
UNESCO (2018) UNESCO in Brief. (Access date: 15 July 2018).
SÜSBİR (2018) Ornamental Plants Sector Report. (Access date: 15 July 2018).
Mutlu Danacı H (2012) Vernacular architectural and cultural landscape analysis: Antalya Elmalı example. PhD Thesis, Akdeniz University Institute of Science, Antalya.
Bhandari R (2016) The urban edge: An integrative approach towards a sustainable and resilient waterfront. M.Sc. Thesis, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand.
Full text congress/symposium book:
Turer Baskaya FA (2012) Understanding the power of landscape in building a diseaster resilient city from İstanbul. In: Dymitryszyn I, Kaczynska M, Maksymiuk, G (Eds), The Power of Landscape: The Proceedings of ECLAS 2012 Conference. Warsaw, Poland, pp. 272-276.
The journal Landscape Research and Applications (PAUD) has been prepared by taking into account the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access while establishing the ethical duties and responsibilities listed below. The ethical responsibilities of editors, authors and the publisher are listed below.
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The only criterion in the evaluation of the publications is the compliance of the publication with the scope of the journal. The race, gender, religious belief, political philosophy and / or institution of employment of the authors absolutely do not play a role in the decision-making process.
PAUD Journal and its editors are responsible for evaluating publications only in terms of their academic quality, i.e. importance in their field, originality of the article, validity of the research and clarity of language.
The journal editor has full authority to determine the entire content of the journal and when it will be published.
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Editors will assign another member of the editorial board to conduct the preliminary review and evaluation stages of the publication(s) in cases where there is a conflict of interest arising from competitive, collaborative or other relationships/connections with any of the authors, companies or institutions.
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Editors and the publisher send all submitted works to at least two expert referees for evaluation. After the review process is completed, the Chief Reviewer decides which works to publish, considering the accuracy of the work in question, its importance to researchers and readers, referee reports, and legal regulations such as defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. The Editor-in-Chief may also seek advice from other editors or reviewers when making this decision.
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The Editor, together with the Publisher, ensures that any reported unethical conduct will be investigated, even if years have passed since the date of publication. Journal editors will follow COPE procedures in such suspected cases. Following the investigation, if unethical conduct is proven, they should publish a statement indicating that there was an error, inconsistency, or misdirection related to the relevant publication.
Contribution to publication decisions
Blind review processes directly affect the quality of academic publications. The review process is conducted with the principle of double-blind review. Referees cannot communicate directly with authors; evaluations and referee reports are sent through the journal management system. During this process, evaluation forms and referee reports are sent to the author(s) via the editor. Double-blind refereeing helps editors make decisions in dialogue with authors. At the same time, authors have the opportunity to develop their work by obtaining important information about their work.
A referee who is invited to conduct a peer review should inform the editor as soon as possible whether he/she will be a referee for the relevant study.
Studies sent to referees for evaluation should be considered as confidential documents. Studies should not be shown to others and their content should not be discussed. If necessary, referees may seek advice from other colleagues with the permission of the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief can only grant this permission under exceptional circumstances. The confidentiality rule also covers those who refuse to serve as referees.
Principle of Impartiality
Authors should not be subject to personal criticism during the evaluation process. Evaluations should be made objectively and in a way that will contribute to the development of the studies.
Referees are responsible for informing the authors of any citations that are not cited in the study. Referees should pay particular attention to works that are not cited in the field or to citations that conflict with similar works. Referees should inform the editors if they notice any publications that are similar to any previously published work or information.
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Referees should not accept to evaluate any work or part of a work submitted for evaluation if they have any collaborative relationship with any author, company or institution whose work they are assigned to evaluate, and they should inform the editors of the situation.
Referees may not use unpublished works or parts of works submitted for evaluation in their own work without the written consent of the author(s). Information and ideas obtained during the evaluation should be kept confidential by the referees and should not be used for their own benefit. These rules also apply to individuals who do not accept the role of referee.
In original research studies, the author(s) must clearly state how the study was conducted and its importance, and present the results objectively. The study should be described in detail to enable other researchers to conduct similar studies, and the necessary resources that can be used should be specified. Review articles should be accurate, objective, and comprehensive, and editorial opinions and other subjective ideas should be clearly stated. Untrue or intentionally misrepresented statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
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Authors should make the raw data of their research (if the data is suitable for presentation) and the editorial edition of their articles publicly available upon request. If necessary, authors should keep their data accessible to other researchers for at least 10 years after the publication date of their study (preferably through an institutional or corporate data repository or a data center). However; the confidentiality of the participants should be protected and their legal rights regarding their personal information should be taken into consideration.
Originality and plagiarism
Authors should only publish their original work and properly cite the sources and data they use. They should also cite other publications that are effective in determining the quality of their work. There are different types of plagiarism: presenting another researcher's work as their own, copying a part of another researcher's work without citing the work or using it in a different way as if it were their own, or claiming the results of another study as your own. Plagiarism in any form is against publishing ethics and is unacceptable.
Every submitted article is scanned for plagiarism using the Turnitin program. In this scan, the bibliography and citations are also included. Every article with a scan result of 20% or more is rejected without further action and is not accepted again even if changes are made. The article is not transferred to the Turnitin database during the scan. However, in cases where Turnitin, especially the Turkish database, is limited, other sources such as Crossref, Ithenticate, Google Scholar and literature search can be used. For editors, 20% is not a criterion; they reserve the right to reject the article and/or request corrections if they see the slightest problem.
Multiple, duplicate or simultaneous submissions / publications
Articles containing the same study in essence should not be published in more than one journal or other publication organs. Therefore, authors should not submit a study previously published in another journal for evaluation to another journal. Submitting an article to more than one journal at the same time is an unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
If certain conditions are met, it may be possible for some articles (such as clinical guidelines, translations) to be published in several journals. Authors and editors of the relevant journals must agree that the study can be published in another journal. The data and discussions of the study published in a second journal should be the same as in the previously published journal. The first journal published must be cited.
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Authors are deemed to have taken all responsibilities related to the publication. For this reason, only those who meet the authorship criteria should be considered as authors of the study. These criteria can be listed as follows: (I) having made significant contributions to the content, design, data collection process or analysis / interpretation of the study (II) having made an intellectual contribution to the creation and editing of the content (III) having seen, approved and accepted the final version of the study. Individuals who have made significant contributions to the study (such as technical assistance, writing and editing assistance, and support) but do not meet the authorship criteria should not be listed as authors; these individuals should be included in the "Acknowledgements" section after their written permissions have been obtained. Obtaining the written permissions they have obtained. The corresponding author guarantees that all authors who have contributed to the study are included in the author list and that these authors have seen the final version of the study and approved that there is no problem in its publication.
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If the study involves chemical substances or methods and equipment that may cause various harms when used, these substances, methods and equipment should be clearly stated in the article. If the study involves subjects and guinea pigs, the authors should perform all procedures performed in the study in accordance with the relevant laws and institutional guidelines and should have received the approval of the relevant committees / organizations. There should also be a statement regarding these in the article. Authors should also state that the necessary permissions have been obtained for studies conducted on humans. The confidentiality rights of the participants should not be violated.
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PEYZAJ ARAŞTIRMALARI VE UYGULAMALARI Dergi'si (PAUD), makalelerin gönderim, değerlendirme ve yayınlanma olmak üzere hiçbir aşamasında ücret talep etmez. Yazarlar dergiye gönderdikleri çalışmalar için makale işlem ücreti veya gönderim ücreti ödemezler.